воскресенье, 9 февраля 2020 г.


Once the above process is complete do we need to go through the normal procedure to add permanent root? Whoah, the steps include the wire trick as well? No, create an account now. Uninstall HTC sync and any other device syncing softwares.. Connect the phone with this screen only to pc And repeat the above process.. I don't know if anyone will read this anymore, but after half a year!!!!!!!!!!!! juopunutbear s-off sensation

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Also adding a copy of these scripts as attachments in case DB link fails sensatiln. Maybe that will juopunutbeae for you. Let's take one more Thanks for the update.

Android Apps and Games. Jul 25, 11, 7, 1, Other times I may do several touches and it sensatuon not react at all Did some modification to original scripts no need of manual reboot now 2. I don't know if anyone will read this anymore, but after half a year!!!!!!!!!!!! Uninstall HTC sync and any other device syncing softwares.

They interfere with the soff tool we are going to use also when connecting the phone just keep it in charging mode Make sure you met all the step 1: Substratum The ultimate, most complete theming solution for Android.

Subscribe to Thread Page 1 of 1 2 3 11 51 Last. Thanks a lot bro!

juopunutbear s-off sensation

Thanks, I am waiting for a reply from HTC and will try their method. Posting Quick Reply - Please Wait. I will ask here in case of any trouble. Make sure you removed the back cover of the phone before starting the below process 2.


Anyway, I leave for a vacation today and will come back on July 31, hopefully I will have an answer from HTC by that time, so I will try it then and eventually get on the next steps, with your help. Also you need the controlbear files.

juopunutbear s-off sensation

The wire trick drives me crazy! Whoah, the steps include the wire trick as well? Then try the solution for troubleshoot 1 c still cant recover the things?

[GUIDE] Juopunutbear S-OFF NO HTCDEV UNLOCK … | HTC Sensation

That would take the phone to normal working condition again 6. Jun 6, 16 3 Do you already have an account? Share This Page Tweet. I have tried several time intervals and so on, but nothing changes. Well, I will continue trying tonight. Don't touch the device during the entire process Can I count on you next week? Yes, my password is: Guest Quick Reply no urls or BBcode. It is now a sensatoon resource for people who want to make the most of their mobile devices, from customizing the look and feel juopunutbeaar adding new functionality.

Adding the linux tar files thanks to "TheSh4wn" for linux scripts click here 3.

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