среда, 29 января 2020 г.


Is there anything wrong with my command line? So far I have avoided time losses by setting the margin to ms it doesn't allow any bigger setting. I'm running a gauntlet match of my engine against 9 opponents, using "work1. Every other chess program I've used , including UCI CLIs, shows a negative evaluation to mean Black is winning, but apparently in cutechess it means the opponent is winning or something. The way i do it is installing an engine in the cute chess gui. For example, Senpai 2. cutechess

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For example, Senpai 2. When you start a tournament, you have a specificy a pgn output file.


You cannot pause tournaments, and this has been an active issue for quite some time example. Welcome to Reddit, the front page of the internet. I had two things in mind on that front anyway: Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. I got it working with concurrency in the GUI, and also with the -ratinginterval N command I get to see more output in the command line interface version.

cutechess-cli? -

It is a stylistic choice cutechesss cutechess. The way i do it is installing an engine in the cute chess gui. Is there a setting to disable losing on time? Submit a new link. I need to turn contempt off for Stockfish, and set the right backend and nncache size for LC0. I'm running a gauntlet match of my engine against 9 opponents, using "work1. In cutechess-cli, you can essentially specify a grace period using: Every other chess program I've usedincluding UCI CLIs, shows a negative evaluation to mean Black is winning, but apparently in cutechess it means the opponent is winning or something.


Cutechess GUI questions self. The gui allows setting time margin but it has a max limit of ms. It will print the table after every N games.


I quickly looked at the tournament menu without viewing the time control menu. Which in theory should be OK but I can imagine if some other process temporarily uses lots of CPU it might become a problem.

Thanks for the help. Yes, this would slightly affect the gameplay but I'm not running TCECI'm trying to run some playouts on a position to get an idea of whether it's winnable and if so, what strategic elements go into making the win.

Cute Chess - Chessprogramming wiki

I couldn't find any example config files cutecheds doing that by googling. The more engine tournaments you run, the more diversity you will encounter even among uci engines.

Get an ad-free experience with cutecheas benefits, and directly support Reddit. Also if you are doing this to test an engine you might enjoy the option "-concurrency N" which runs N games a the same time so if you have many CPU cores your tournament gets completed faster.

First if you don't know yet, if you type "cutechess-cli --help" you get a cutecgess for the things you can do. So far I have avoided time losses by setting the margin to ms it doesn't allow any bigger setting.

Cute Chess

Why does the evaluation show as -ve for Black when White is winning? Log in or sign up in seconds.


Is it possible to stop or adjudicate the game in progress? That said, it isn't really necessary to transform data in a tournament match when two engines are analyzing the position, because the data is essentially identical.

Bonus question, when configuring cutechess-cli, how do I set UCI options for the engines?

Forum rules This textbox is used to restore diagrams posted with the [d] tag before the upgrade. If the engine takes too long to move I'd like the match to continue anyway.

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