среда, 5 февраля 2020 г.


Omer and Mihriban are brother and sister living in the same house by convenience. During all this, Mesut meets Cabbar Aga and coincidentally meets Lamia as well. She is the funny, quirky, immature, and innocent daughter. During Ali's stay in Kinali Kar, this is the family he becomes close with. He is determined to educate the students of Kinali Kar. She is the ambassador of the family and the most mature of the girls. emrah kinali kar

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Sureyya Hanim sees Ali Ogretmen kinalli a distraction to Nazar and forbids her from seeing him. Kinali Kar experiences drought-like conditions with no running water.

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However, she does not find him as interesting as he finds her. Lamia is Cabbar Aga's housemaid, who secretly has a crush on Cabbar Aga. By this time, Nazar has given birth to a baby boy, Kunali and he is about five years old.

This plan of Cabbar Aga's was absurd and cruel. Unfortunately for him, she is not interested in him and as a result, a relationship does not blossom. Emrha a result, Kamber went crazy - literally. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

The oldest girl marries first, and if she doesn't marry, none of her siblings can marry. Ironically, it is Mesut who is "hired" to provide the seed to impregnate Lamia. Nazar is the oldest and ekrah role model. The most famous of these other affairs is the one between Kamber and Zehra.

emrah kinali kar

During all this, Mesut meets Cabbar Aga and coincidentally meets Lamia as well. In fact, to stay warm, Ayca invites Ali to sleep together in the same bed - so that's what they do.

The school burns to the ground.

Kinali Kar (Sabahat Akkiraz)

He is instantly mesmerized by her and wants to have a relationship with her. In Kinali Kar tradition, marriage rights take precedence with age. Mihriban is a newlywed living with her husband Recep.

emrah kinali kar

One night they are hanging out in Kamber's shack in the forest, and it gets too late for them to return to the village. This changes everything in the series.

Nazar does not want to marry Cabbar Aga, and to protest this and delay the eventual marriage she cuts her hair very short. Omer is a widower and has a son named Ali.

emrah. kinali kar (4)

In the village, Nazar adjusts to a new life without Ali. Often during the series, Ali would be hanging out here with the family, drinking tea and having conversation.

Seyit, Cabbar Aga's right-hand man, approaches Mesut and asks him to provide information on what Demir's plans are with the factory. She is madly in love with Demir. During this time, a new character is introduced to the series: He is kina,i to educate the students of Kinali Kar.

Omer and Mihriban are brother and sister living in the same house by convenience.

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He wants to kimali revenge on Nazar for the divorce and for the time he spent in jail. She develops a crush for Ali and is jealous of him whenever she hears of the stories of the love between Ali and Nazar. In disgust, she rushes out and runs back to the village, gets on her horse, and rides to the upper village to Cabbar Aga's lair. His henchmen help him survive with daily rations of food and water.

emrah kinali kar

Fadik is the third oldest.

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